Honor killing means killing a family or
clan member in the name of family pride or protecting once family’s
honor. Human rights watch defines honor killings as “acts of vengeance,
usually death, committed by male family member’s usually female family
members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family. The mere
perception that a woman has behaved in a way that dishonors her family
is sufficient to trigger an attack on her life.
Creation of "honour” killings?:
of "honour” killings ? History of honor killings Code goes back to
1200BC in the Hammurabi and Assyrian laws Modernized as a core value in
Arab-Islamic societies Islamic culture granted women a considerable
number of rights. “Honor killing” is first used by the Dutch turkey
expert of the university of “Leiden Ane Nauta “in 1978. Also referred to
as “ Customary Killing or domestic Public Violence .
Honour Killing: Global Problem:
Killing: Global Problem Large number of cases are reported mostly in
parts of the Middle East and South Asia, the issue is a global one
where other cases have been reported in Bangladesh, Great Britain,
Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco,
Sweden, Turkey, and Uganda.
Where the problem is:
the problem is Pakistan Jordan Israel India Muslim countries In these
countries, those who kill for honour are almost never punished. In the
rare occasions that they are brought on trial, they would only serve 3
months in prison at the most. But most would be let off.
Situation of honour killing in INDIA:
of honour killing in INDIA More than 1000 honor killings in India every
year. Lots of cases are that marriage can be forced to save honor, and
women can be murdered for rejecting a forced marriage and marrying a
partner of their own choice who is not acceptable for the family of the
girl . Expert says that honor killings happen with regularity in
Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh
India’s Report Says:-:
Report Says:- This happen not only within the Muslim community but
also among Sikhs and Hindus. According to the India Democratic Women's
Association, Haryana, Punjab and U P account for about 900 honor
killings and another 100 to 300 in the rest of the country . Honor
Killing Is Strongly Supported In Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana , Bihar
& in U.P.
Cases related to honor killing in India:
related to honor killing in India According to a data compiled by
Haryana Police 34 incidents of Honor Killings were reported in the
state between 2010 and 2012 . In March 2012 , Haryana court sentenced 5
people to death for murdering a couple on the orders of “Khap
Panchayats” a traditional unofficial local council . Imrana , a 16 –
year old girl from Buxar , Bihar was set on fire in her house .
15 lies in a Peshawar shelter, burnt by her father-in-law who said she
had not cleaned her husband's clothes properly .:
Zarghona 15 lies
in a Peshawar shelter, burnt by her father-in-law who said she had not
cleaned her husband's clothes properly .
Global Facts
Pakistan Honor Killing Is Also Known As Karo-Kari Locally. Saudi
Arabia:-Saudi Women Was Killed By Her Father For Chatting On Facebook To
A Man. India , Egypt , Turkey ,Iraq ,Yemen etc Are Also Responsible For
Honor Killing To Give Rise.
SILENCE !!! Why is the judiciary silent ??? Have police
investigated these crimes thoroughly? Do we have transparency about how
such investigations are carried out? Why Indians families silently
endure these killings? In a powerful democracy like India, it is a shame
that we have no legal safeguard to address this heinous crime that has
steadily increased over the last few decades.
What the United Nation has done.:
the United Nation has done. The UN issued a press statement condemning
“honor” killings. UN organizations will be advocating an awareness
campaign project to be conducted. UN have organized meeting of many
countries to solve this social issues.
What can we do?:
can we do? Raise awareness through education. Send letters to relevant
heads of countries where this is happening and advise them to act
immediately. Set up a fund to raise money to halt domestic violence
[violence within a family]. Youth of India should be mobilized.
Amendment of IPC(Indian Panel Code) to include honor killings as a
separate offence. Public awareness about this issue, and fuel the
people about its evil impact on society and country as whole. The
Message Is Being Spread Into The Society That Females Are a human being
they have the right to live.
Message to the society:-
Killing and Stoning Women !!! They are the human being they have right
to live on this earth. Females are the mother ,sister we cannot
imagine the existence of universe without them. Be a man respect a
women Message To The Society :